Why Antibac is a must for any commercial kitchen

Antibac is our antibacterial cleaner, a powerful and versatile sanitiser and degreaser. Used to effectively clean walls, floors and worktop surfaces whether tiled, laminated or stainless steel, its multicomponent system ensures an efficient antibacterial action combined with maximum grease and dirt removal.


Ideal in environments such as commercial kitchens and food processing areas, Antibac quickly removes animal fats, grease and grime, allowing you to effectively clean, sanitise and degrease with one product. It is perfect for ‘clean-as-you-go’ processes and proves you don’t need dozens of different products to protect your environment.


Because its ingredients are food grade and food safe, Antibac is perfect for all food contact surfaces and will not cause tainting of food. As a food-safe product, you do not have to wash off Antibac before you start working on a surface.

No lengthy dwell-time

Because Antibac starts killing bacteria on contact and sanitises in seconds, there is no need for lengthy dwell times. Weaker products often recommend 5 minutes’ dwell time before being wiped off! But, in a busy food operation environment, who has time to do that?

Conforms to BS-EN-1276

Antibac meets the demands of environmental health officers who are now demanding that food business operators provide evidence that kitchen surface sanitising products conform to BS-EN-1276.

Great value all-round

What’s more, independent tests have shown Antibac to kill over 99.99% of bacteria found on kitchen work surfaces and it will cost you significantly less per trigger sprayer than sanitisers found at a cash and carry.

Take a look at our Antibac cleaner in more detail ›