About us

Our antibacterial cleaner in action, from South West Chemical

South West Chemical is a cleaning product supplier that has been at the forefront of hygiene and chemical cleaning products for many years.

With the onset of coronavirus, suddenly hygiene is now of top of the agenda. But it is something we’ve been promoting for many years through our Hygiene Control Programmes and the relationships we’ve built across many sectors. We’ve also developed a set of safe chemicals to address ‘envelope viruses’ including corona, ensuring your environments are fully protected.

By looking at the main transfer routes for bacteria, viruses and other germs through hand transfer and hard surface cleanliness, we’ve developed Covid Packs to be used alongside PPE. These have been designed to provide peace of mind and for customers of all sizes – and are available for general domestic use through to small and larger business use.

Environmentally sound approach

We’ve always developed chemicals that have the least impact on the environment.

While our products will highly efficiently clean, sanitise and reduce the spread of germs, they are completely free from harmful solvents.

Our products are designed to attack specific dirt, grime, germs and viruses, so when the job is done the active ingredient becomes neutral and unharmful to the environment. This is unlike other caustic or hypochlorite cleaning products, which can cause damage to water systems and local flora and fauna.